Your morning smoothie needs to set you up for the day, but a lot of people don’t make them properly. You’re in a rush, so you add some frozen fruit to a blender and blitz it all up. You think that’s enough for your morning meal, but you soon realize you’ve made a mistake.
The ultimate breakfast smoothie needs to include three things alongside fruit:
- Something to help you focus and provide energy
- Something to fill you up
- Something to help sustain your energy until lunch
Considering all this, what can you add to a morning smoothie to make it a tad better than before?

Adding a touch of caffeine to your morning smoothie gives you the following benefits:
- Improved focus
- Reduced fatigue
- An extra jolt of energy
You can add caffeine in many ways, though it’s best to avoid pouring in some coffee. Why? Because it’s highly unlikely the taste of coffee will go well with your fruit and you won’t enjoy the smoothie.
It’s possible to find caffeine powder online, or you could go to places like CBDistillery and pick up a drink mix. These mixes have caffeine in them, amongst other things like CBD to further enhance your focus during the mornings. Simply add to your smoothie and you’re one step closer to the ultimate breakfast.
We speak about protein a lot on this site, and you can see a list of the 15 best protein sources for smoothies if you need inspiration.
Protein is essential to help your muscles grow, but it also fills you up. You can choose any protein sources here, but peanut butter and protein powder are always great ideas when you’re in a rush. They help bulk out the smoothie so it’s less like a drink and more like something you’ll actually eat for breakfast.
Try adding around 10-20g of protein to your smoothie and you’ll instantly see how much this fills you up.
Technically, oats are a form of protein, but that’s not the main reason we’re including them.
Oats are complex carbohydrates, which means it takes your body a long time to break them down. As a result, they provide a more sustainable source of energy that lasts for hours. You’re already getting a jolt of energy from the sugar in the fruit and the added caffeine. But, this won’t last!
You need oats to carry on this energy and keep you alert all the way through to lunch. It’ll stop your mid-morning slumps where you feel drained and want to have a nap. Plus, oats also add more substance to the smoothie, so it becomes a more substantial meal.
If you feel like your morning smoothies aren’t hitting the spot, add these three things to them. You’ll notice a difference as you’ll be fuller for longer with more energy and focus. The best thing about smoothies is that you can play around with them to suit your individual requirements. Try different quantities of these things until you find the perfect balance.
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